Sleep is essential to life and is associated with energy storage. Creating balance for all body systems So good sleep not only keeps the brain healthy; But it also cleans the brain itself.

Everyday life When people are awake, the brain and body will use energy and produce waste products in various systems that must be disposed of. If there is a large amount of clutter and clutter in the brain, it will impair neural impulses. Memory decline. Mood changes If the nerve cells that are damaged are the nerve cells that control the functions of various organs. This will eventually lead to dysfunction of many body systems.

Sleep to clear your mind. Sleep, which helps clear and refresh the brain after waking up, includes the following:

-Get the right amount of sleep.
-Normal sleep patterns and schedules
-I fell asleep easily. constant sleep; Waking up frequently
-Don’t get up to go to the bathroom more than once a night.

It has the same quality as good sleep.

The brain is in light sleep; Both deep sleep and dream sleep can be completely integrated sleep.
breathe well don’t stop breathing Don’t get stuck.
-Don’t roar.
-Don’t bite your teeth.
-The heart beats in a regular rhythm.
-Relaxes muscles during sleep.
-Don’t fall asleep.
-Sleep peacefully without screaming and fear.

Benefits of good sleep

A good amount Does the pattern and quality of sleep have a positive effect on the brain?

-The brain removes the waste products of nerve cells.
-Strengthens memory.
-Develop a variety of skills effectively.
-The whole body works normally.

However, individual differences and good sleep patterns; In order to create good sleep in terms of quantity and quality and to create a good foundation for the body, a sleep specialist needs to be examined.

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